Catharina - traduction vers
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Catharina - traduction vers

Santa Catarina         
Santa Catharina; Santa Catarina (disambiguation)
n. Santa Caterina (convento en el sur de Sinaí)
n. Catalina (rueda), instrumento de tortura de la Edad Media


Catharina is a feminine given name, the Dutch and Swedish spelling of the name Catherine. In the Netherlands, people use a great number of short forms in daily life, including Carine, Catelijne, Cato, Ina, Ineke, Kaat, Kaatje, Karen, Karin, Katja, Katrien, Katrijn, Kitty, Nienke, Rina, Tineke, Tiny, Toos, Trijn, Trijntje, and many others.
Exemples de prononciation pour Catharina
1. We happen to know, there's a list of Catharina, the wife's clothes.
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Catharina
1. Alexia is third in line for the throne of the House of Orange after her sister Catharina–Amalia, who will be two, in December.
2. Conrad Jr. to the 4th Circuit, Catharina Haynes to the 5th Circuit and John Daniel Tinder to the 7th Circuit – he had selected candidates for only five of the 15 circuit court vacancies.